
Joydens wood is one bus away which made it really accessible and easy to get to, making this a perfect location for some filming. I needed open space to release the smoke grenades, and the woods give a sense of mystery and would enable me to film my actor surrounded in nature which is what I was going for in my video. I did not need permission to film here as it is a public area accessible to anyone, however I made sure this spot was out of the way of any main footpaths to ensure my filming causes no hindrance to the public.

At school, I used the drama studio as it allowed me to access professional lights, and provided a plain backdrop for part of the dream sequence. This equipment would allow me to establish the colours of the lighting more distinctly than I could if I was to film outside or in a house.
The use of the stage gave me access to more professional lighting, so I could continue the ongoing theme of bright colours throughout my video to contrast with the old film tint. This would also ensure that my actor would be fully visible in my shots so the quality of the video will be high. 
The science classroom came in handy with the themes in my music video as my main actor is a scientist, so the equipment held within the room was useful in adding a realistic value to the video. 
