
Question 3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Question 2 - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Evaluation Question 2 from KayleeH55

Question 1 - What ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Question 1 by K Heckford

Music Video Final Draft and Reflection

Below is the final draft of my music video. In comparison to my first draft, I feel as if my music video would be more effective in grasping the attention of my target audience due to the changes and adaptations I made. I believe the overlaying of footage in the choruses are particularly effective as it provides more of an interesting image for the audience to look at and accurately portrays the main characters hectic and disorganised state of mind. The smoke grenades and use of colour in my video are an eye-catching element which would attract the audience further and make my video more aesthetically pleasing to watch. I feel as if I have followed some of the main conventions of music videos of this genre as I have included a narrative that is unique and highlights issues that can be interpreted in different ways which can relate to members of the audience. This would therefore form a stronger connection between the band and the audience which would increase their popularity and succ...

Digipak Final Draft and Reflection

Here is the final draft for my digipak. After sending this back out to my focus group, they had no suggestions for improvement. I am pleased with the progression of my digipak from my original design as I believe I have been able to adapt my ideas into a product that now resembles real life media products with the help of my audience feedback. This product will be able to successfully attract my target audience due to the modern twist on old film imagery and use of colours that are apparent throughout the digipak. I think it has followed many of the key conventions used by Alternative Rock genre albums and will therefore appeal to my demographic. This digipak will be able to stand out from other products as this combination of colour and vintage symbolism isn't commonly seen on many modern products, thus enabling my work to catch the eye of the audience and become popular and successful.    

Digipak 3rd Draft Feedback

Here is my third draft for my digipak. I have added a white border around the box containing the quote on the inside left page and added the 'compact disc audio' logo on the CD. I sent thi design back out to my focus group to see whether they had any other suggestions for improvement and to find out what they like about the product. The only constructive criticism I recieved from this draft is to add a website on the back cover. Other than that issue, they seem to really like my design, especially the colours and continuity between by products. I will add this change and show them once again to gain their feedback.